It has been already two years since our first debut through 'Nano Tech 2005 Japan'as one of forunners of multiwall carbon nanotube mass-producers. During this period, we have watched a significant change in global carbon nanoutube market triggeraed by numerous factors. Which was seemingly dormant before then. If the market before could be dascribed as academic mainly due to the unrealistic price of carbon nanotube, now, it's been fully fed with momentum on dynamic movement enough to jump onto the next stage-the industrial market. The 21st century is an age of nanotechnology, a technology which is bemoming the essential building block of our daily life and, needless to say, the industrial field, as well. CNT's Continous effort to develop higher quality multiwall carbon nanotube of enhanced thinness and straightness hasseen the successful development of thin multiwall carbon natoube with outer diameter of max. 10mm recently. This development will make us to meet more diversified and extensive industirial demend at, of course, increibly competitive price.